A 172 m2 and 193 kW Data Hall with anti-seismic pedestals in a controlled environment with structural reinforcement.
Power capacity
2 UPS of 600kVA, redundant configuration, and capacity to provide stabilized energy to all the equipment installed in the data center. The SCADA system continuously monitors the UPS batteries.
Electrical infrastructure with 2N architecture, two backup electric generators of 1,200 kW each, and a diesel reserve, which allows for four days autonomy. The architecture is also high availability (2N).
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Digital Maturity Report, a study that will undoubtedly interest you.
In the face of the contingency, we had to be resilient and supportive in order to maintain business continuity and the well-being of our employees.
In the face of the contingency, we had to be resilient and supportive in order to maintain business continuity and the well-being of our employees.
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