IT Services


AI: An Essential Partner

AI has become transformative and strategic for companies of all sizes and sectors.



How technology is helping entertainment with NFTS


AIR presents a flying car prototype

AIR One, a company of Israeli origin, recently presented a flying car prototype at the Kentucky Derby


6G: This is how we will see life in 10 years

Efforts in wireless technologies have grown exponentially and billions of devices are expected to be connected in the next technological era

cloud technology

What is Edge Computing?

Edge Computing is a distributed computing framework that brings business applications closer to data sources

renewable energy

Are batteries the key to saving the planet?

Whether it's to power electric vehicles (EVs), drones, or power tools, there's one common factor that ties them all together: batteries.


Is the end of passwords near?

These days, having too many passwords is a hassle, let alone creating and remembering strong passwords that meet specific requirements

artificial Intelligence

Do Humans and AI Think Alike?

A new technique compares the reasoning of a machine learning model with that of a human, so that the user can see patterns in the model's behavior.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality: Smart Contact Lenses

The year is 2022 and we are increasingly witnessing new technological advances, and what to say about augmented reality that now, through the use of...

Machine Learning

How companies use Machine learning

To talk about Machine Learning is to talk about Artificial Intelligence and its correlation in the world of technology


Remote doctors (robot) are now a reality

XXI century, an ongoing pandemic and a high medical demand, are the main elements for various areas not only of health, to venture into the inclusion...


IoT: Predictions for this 2022

The current pandemic has accelerated the ways of technological development, but what does it hold for the IoT in 2022?


Do you know AIOps and what its characteristics?

Let's start by understanding that it is AIOps, it is established that this technology combines the power of Big Data and Machine Learning to automate...


The importance of redundancy in a system

Redundancy in a system is the duplication or rewriting of information with the intention of increasing its reliability, find more information here.


Who creates computer viruses and why?

Do you know who creates computer viruses and what are the reasons for this? In this article you can find this and other necessary information.

digital transformation

KIO Networks: An Excepcional Company

At KIO Networks we are proud to be distinguished as an Exceptional Company by the Consejo de la Comunicación and the Instituto para el Fomento a la...


Jetman: Flying is now a reality

Surely we have ever wished we could fly and why not, until we imagine that we are some kind of superhero.


Types of Clouds

There are different types of cloud, depending on whether it is a service or deployment model. This and other information can be found in this article.

digital transformation

Advantages and disadvantages of the cloud

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Cloud? Can it help make business processes more efficient? Find out in this article.

Big Data

Big Data: Technology to enjoy music

In Mexico, 47.3 million people listen to music via streaming, and Big Data is becoming one of the allies of this industry


Drones leverage AI to track down lost people

It is a widely known fact in the world that drones fly at great heights and although they can not yet fly autonomously, there are many uses and...

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